WEBVTT 00:00:04.279 --> 00:00:06.279 C Ro College District Police Department 00:00:06.279 --> 00:00:08.320 uh we've been around since 1959 we're a 00:00:08.320 --> 00:00:10.559 small Department uh we have slated for 00:00:10.559 --> 00:00:13.200 nine officers we have two sergeants 00:00:13.200 --> 00:00:16.039 myself a chief we have a full 247 00:00:16.039 --> 00:00:17.680 Dispatch Center with six employees and 00:00:17.680 --> 00:00:19.720 we have community service officers we're 00:00:19.720 --> 00:00:22.039 located on the corner of Armory drive 00:00:22.039 --> 00:00:24.439 and Elliot Avenue um there's a building 00:00:24.439 --> 00:00:27.119 there on the corner and uh we occupy the 00:00:27.119 --> 00:00:29.640 entirety of the building this is the 00:00:29.640 --> 00:00:31.439 inside the srjc police department 00:00:31.439 --> 00:00:33.800 specifically our Dispatch Center um when 00:00:33.800 --> 00:00:35.480 you do call into the Dispatch Center 00:00:35.480 --> 00:00:36.840 they're going to ask you a whole bunch 00:00:36.840 --> 00:00:38.079 of questions they're going to ask you 00:00:38.079 --> 00:00:39.800 you know who are they talking to where 00:00:39.800 --> 00:00:41.480 are you they're going to ask you you 00:00:41.480 --> 00:00:43.719 know is this an emergency or not and 00:00:43.719 --> 00:00:45.120 that's going to prompt how quickly we 00:00:45.120 --> 00:00:46.480 get someone coming to you if it's a 00:00:46.480 --> 00:00:47.879 non-emergency they're going to get all 00:00:47.879 --> 00:00:49.800 the information like if it was a stolen 00:00:49.800 --> 00:00:51.320 item you know where was it stolen from 00:00:51.320 --> 00:00:53.160 where can we meet you if it is an 00:00:53.160 --> 00:00:54.920 emergency they're going to start an 00:00:54.920 --> 00:00:56.480 officer towards your location and then 00:00:56.480 --> 00:00:57.800 they're going to continue to ask you 00:00:57.800 --> 00:01:00.199 more questions we do have dispatchers up 00:01:00.199 --> 00:01:01.840 here that are bilingual so depending on 00:01:01.840 --> 00:01:03.359 the time of day you may get someone if 00:01:03.359 --> 00:01:04.799 you're Spanish speaking and that's where 00:01:04.799 --> 00:01:06.119 you're most comfortable in an emergency 00:01:06.119 --> 00:01:07.280 that we will be able to speak to in 00:01:07.280 --> 00:01:09.400 Spanish if you do not speak English or 00:01:09.400 --> 00:01:11.880 Spanish we also have a a language line 00:01:11.880 --> 00:01:14.200 we can call and they can help us 00:01:14.200 --> 00:01:16.520 translate whatever your language you 00:01:16.520 --> 00:01:18.320 need to speak to us in to get us all the 00:01:18.320 --> 00:01:20.960 information for the 00:01:28.840 --> 00:01:31.840 emergency 00:01:35.280 --> 00:01:38.280 okay 00:01:38.280 --> 00:01:40.640 okay so we're a fully functioning Police 00:01:40.640 --> 00:01:42.520 Department um we have uniform Patrol 00:01:42.520 --> 00:01:46.560 we're out there 247 365 days a year um 00:01:46.560 --> 00:01:48.280 so when you call our number 00:01:48.280 --> 00:01:51.640 77527 1000 you will get police services 00:01:51.640 --> 00:01:54.200 uh we also provide escorts um if you 00:01:54.200 --> 00:01:56.280 need assistance or if you're just really 00:01:56.280 --> 00:01:58.840 not feeling too safe to get from a 00:01:58.840 --> 00:02:00.960 classroom to a vehicle to a parking lot 00:02:00.960 --> 00:02:03.119 to a classroom we can help you out to 00:02:03.119 --> 00:02:05.399 get you where you're going safe we also 00:02:05.399 --> 00:02:07.560 have um depending on the semester 00:02:07.560 --> 00:02:10.280 anywhere between uh 10 and 15 student 00:02:10.280 --> 00:02:12.200 interns there are police Cadets um 00:02:12.200 --> 00:02:14.200 they're uh JC students and they're out 00:02:14.200 --> 00:02:15.680 there in uniform and Patrol and they 00:02:15.680 --> 00:02:18.319 assist us my name is Angelina SE I'm 00:02:18.319 --> 00:02:20.640 from Hong Kong and my major is criminal 00:02:20.640 --> 00:02:22.640 justice I chose to enroll in this 00:02:22.640 --> 00:02:25.000 program because last semester I wanted a 00:02:25.000 --> 00:02:27.599 job and international students can only 00:02:27.599 --> 00:02:29.840 work on campus and this job seemed 00:02:29.840 --> 00:02:31.319 pretty interesting and it was related to 00:02:31.319 --> 00:02:33.160 my major so that's why I chose to enroll 00:02:33.160 --> 00:02:36.000 in it so our main job is definitely 00:02:36.000 --> 00:02:38.840 security around the school and mostly we 00:02:38.840 --> 00:02:40.959 do building securing at night but we 00:02:40.959 --> 00:02:44.280 also during the day Patrol our own areas 00:02:44.280 --> 00:02:46.959 and we also assist students and whatever 00:02:46.959 --> 00:02:49.480 they need and we also do escorts battery 00:02:49.480 --> 00:02:50.879 jumps a lot of different things but 00:02:50.879 --> 00:02:52.920 mainly yeah our job is uh campas 00:02:52.920 --> 00:02:55.080 security there's many ways you can 00:02:55.080 --> 00:02:56.879 contact The District Police Department 00:02:56.879 --> 00:02:58.879 um the easiest way is via your phone 00:02:58.879 --> 00:03:00.760 cell phone at 00:03:00.760 --> 00:03:04.239 77527 1000 uh we also have emergency 00:03:04.239 --> 00:03:06.440 call boxes they're big red boxes with a 00:03:06.440 --> 00:03:08.599 blue light on top of it and there's a 00:03:08.599 --> 00:03:10.840 button if you push that button uh it 00:03:10.840 --> 00:03:12.400 basically establishes a phone connection 00:03:12.400 --> 00:03:13.599 and you'll get up with one of our 00:03:13.599 --> 00:03:15.640 dispatchers we have the same setup in 00:03:15.640 --> 00:03:18.440 our elevators um and you can always uh 00:03:18.440 --> 00:03:20.519 walk over to us uh at the corner of 00:03:20.519 --> 00:03:23.120 Armory drive and Elliott Avenue and come 00:03:23.120 --> 00:03:25.480 see us in person we're available uh 00:03:25.480 --> 00:03:28.840 again 24/7 uh for any type of crime that 00:03:28.840 --> 00:03:32.760 is occurring or has occurred so if uh 00:03:32.760 --> 00:03:35.680 you are at the library and you come back 00:03:35.680 --> 00:03:38.400 after using the restroom and you notice 00:03:38.400 --> 00:03:40.400 that your laptop is gone well now we 00:03:40.400 --> 00:03:41.760 have a theft so that would be 00:03:41.760 --> 00:03:43.280 appropriate to give us a call so that we 00:03:43.280 --> 00:03:45.040 can send an officer the officer is going 00:03:45.040 --> 00:03:46.799 to ask you some questions um if you have 00:03:46.799 --> 00:03:48.200 a serial number and the description of 00:03:48.200 --> 00:03:49.400 the item that was stolen we're going to 00:03:49.400 --> 00:03:50.879 need all that information so that we 00:03:50.879 --> 00:03:53.040 could do a report and enter that into 00:03:53.040 --> 00:03:56.239 the national system um if it's found uh 00:03:56.239 --> 00:03:58.640 then we can get it back to you hi I'm 00:03:58.640 --> 00:04:01.120 hie Perez I'm police 00:04:01.120 --> 00:04:03.400 officer and my name is Officer Todd 00:04:03.400 --> 00:04:06.280 stanus police officer 00:04:06.280 --> 00:04:10.720 here there are campus police officers in 00:04:10.720 --> 00:04:13.920 most universities and the big reason for 00:04:13.920 --> 00:04:16.720 that is because there are is such a very 00:04:16.720 --> 00:04:19.880 dense population of people here for 00:04:19.880 --> 00:04:22.120 example we have a population of 17,000 00:04:22.120 --> 00:04:25.199 people which is the size of a small city 00:04:25.199 --> 00:04:27.639 um and that's some of the reasons why 00:04:27.639 --> 00:04:30.120 campus law enforcement is necessary 00:04:30.120 --> 00:04:31.720 uh students have the right to a safe 00:04:31.720 --> 00:04:34.160 educational experience um if they feel 00:04:34.160 --> 00:04:37.000 like for whatever reason that uh has 00:04:37.000 --> 00:04:39.840 been violated or broken in any way shape 00:04:39.840 --> 00:04:43.160 or form uh you can go through um student 00:04:43.160 --> 00:04:45.199 discipline located at the brini Student 00:04:45.199 --> 00:04:47.919 Center School specific rules or 00:04:47.919 --> 00:04:50.280 regulations uh like we are a tobacco and 00:04:50.280 --> 00:04:51.479 alcohol free 00:04:51.479 --> 00:04:55.720 campus uh we close at 11:00 p.m. so once 00:04:55.720 --> 00:04:58.320 11:00 p.m. hits yeah nobody's allowed on 00:04:58.320 --> 00:05:00.360 campus so you you need a parking permit 00:05:00.360 --> 00:05:02.840 to park on campus uh you can purchase 00:05:02.840 --> 00:05:05.840 either a daily one or one for a semester 00:05:05.840 --> 00:05:07.919 and you can purchase it at Bailey Hall 00:05:07.919 --> 00:05:10.639 so anybody riding a bicycle has to wear 00:05:10.639 --> 00:05:14.520 a helmet um and you actually need to you 00:05:14.520 --> 00:05:16.440 can't technically ride your bicycle 00:05:16.440 --> 00:05:18.720 through campus it has to be done through 00:05:18.720 --> 00:05:22.280 Elliot Avenue or Armory drive or mesino 00:05:22.280 --> 00:05:24.680 Avenue so we recommend you get a good 00:05:24.680 --> 00:05:28.840 quality bike lock um you can get a 00:05:28.840 --> 00:05:30.800 really good one starting at like 20 00:05:30.800 --> 00:05:33.919 bucks if your bike gets stolen you can 00:05:33.919 --> 00:05:37.120 report it to District police uh SE call 00:05:37.120 --> 00:05:41.400 707 527 1000 and we'll make a bike theft 00:05:41.400 --> 00:05:43.919 report uh there are cameras located 00:05:43.919 --> 00:05:45.960 everywhere throughout the junior college 00:05:45.960 --> 00:05:47.840 so we can always review surveillance 00:05:47.840 --> 00:05:50.000 video uh what I would really recommend 00:05:50.000 --> 00:05:52.479 is uh write down your bicycle serial 00:05:52.479 --> 00:05:54.880 number that way we could uh if it does 00:05:54.880 --> 00:05:57.919 get taken uh we could track it down with 00:05:57.919 --> 00:06:00.800 that I think um some important tips to 00:06:00.800 --> 00:06:02.880 remember while walking around on campus 00:06:02.880 --> 00:06:05.319 is um to always be aware of your 00:06:05.319 --> 00:06:07.759 surroundings um to always save our 00:06:07.759 --> 00:06:09.199 Police Department phone number in your 00:06:09.199 --> 00:06:10.560 phone 00:06:10.560 --> 00:06:12.120 77527 00:06:12.120 --> 00:06:14.800 1000 um and also always paying attention 00:06:14.800 --> 00:06:16.440 to where these emergency towers are they 00:06:16.440 --> 00:06:18.120 can always get you directly to the 00:06:18.120 --> 00:06:19.960 police dispatch 00:06:19.960 --> 00:06:24.120 247 um always lock your cars never leave 00:06:24.120 --> 00:06:26.639 um valuables laying out anywhere never 00:06:26.639 --> 00:06:28.400 leave your belongings unattended no 00:06:28.400 --> 00:06:30.199 matter where you are on game 00:06:30.199 --> 00:06:32.360 as an international student I usually 00:06:32.360 --> 00:06:34.639 carry my papers around me and I 00:06:34.639 --> 00:06:36.720 sometimes have my pocket knife as well 00:06:36.720 --> 00:06:38.680 definitely be aware of your surroundings 00:06:38.680 --> 00:06:40.800 and like have like some type of like 00:06:40.800 --> 00:06:43.400 purp spray or something on you and have 00:06:43.400 --> 00:06:45.759 your emergency contact so you can call 00:06:45.759 --> 00:06:48.360 someone if you're ever in need of help 00:06:48.360 --> 00:06:49.400 the best advice I can give the 00:06:49.400 --> 00:06:51.080 international students is that we're a 00:06:51.080 --> 00:06:54.919 community oriented Police Department um 00:06:54.919 --> 00:06:57.639 all of our officers were former students 00:06:57.639 --> 00:07:01.080 of the srjc um they were our Cadets um 00:07:01.080 --> 00:07:02.759 they're part of our community and we 00:07:02.759 --> 00:07:05.639 want you to feel safe on our campus we 00:07:05.639 --> 00:07:08.280 want you to feel safe to call us when 00:07:08.280 --> 00:07:12.120 you're in trouble um so please if you 00:07:12.120 --> 00:07:15.479 need help give us a call 00:07:15.479 --> 00:07:18.479 5271